
memorial service

We help your family in personalizing the funeral

If you are planning a funeral, it can naturally make you feel distressed. Many details need attention. There are many people to contact, and a lot of decisions to make. The pain you are experiencing certainly makes these tasks more difficult.

At Brown & Sons Funeral Parlour Ltd, we encourage you to slow down, breathe deeply and think about the really important funeral planning. Most families will agree that the best memorials and funerals are those that are personalized. There are a number of practical details to settle, but the most important thing is your meeting with a funeral director to discuss your emotional needs and those of your family. We will guide you and advise you to best meet those needs. The choices made at this stage can affect you positively at a psychological and emotional level. We are experts in consulting with bereaved relatives and are present to help you and your family to make the best choices.

personalize funeral

Every deceased person deserves a unique funeral service since every family is different.  Your understanding of your beloved as well as your relationship with the person will help you create a funeral that will honour him/her memorably. When you start to personalize the funeral, consider your memories of the deceased. Think about his qualities and what it meant for others. Consider his passions, his hobbies, what he liked, what he disliked. After thinking about the life and the unique personality of the deceased, include those memories to the plan the funeral. Be creative. Together with your family, friends, the funeral director and the person who will lead the service, discuss how to commemorate and honour this special being.

personalised memorial service

There are several ways to customize each of these elements. For example, if the corpse is exposed to the funeral, you could place pictures, souvenirs, collections and art objects. You could do the same at the reception following the funeral service. Choose music, poetry and other readings that are relevant to the life of the deceased. Provided it is personalized, the eulogy is probably the most memorable and healing aspect of the funeral service. It recognizes the unique life of the person who died and affirms the importance of this life to all those who had known him/her. A clergyman, parent or friend of the deceased can deliver the eulogy. If you prefer, you can ask several people to speak and share their memories.

A well-planned funeral with a personalized touch can go a long way in consoling you and will be a source of comfort and satisfaction in the months and years ahead. Get in touch with us today. We’ll be happy to help you.

memorial service